Virtual office ‌price for one entity
(company, branch, association, person or trademark)‌‌

24 months contract

14Monthly equivalent amount

Total:  336 + VAT‌

12 months contract

17Monthly equivalent amount

Total: € 204 + VAT

6 months contract

20Monthly equivalent amount

Total: € 120 + VAT 

3 months contract

24 Monthly equivalent amount

Total: 72 + VAT

Included in the price:
- use of the address for commercial purposes in documents related to your business, e-mails, business cards (for a legal person, brand or individual);
- use as registered tax address (for a legal person, sole proprietor or self-employed professional, as you can use the virtual office address to register the activity with the tax authority);
- acceptance of mail up to 325x240x25mm:
   a) unregistered mail;
   b) simple registered mail;
   c) returned registered mail, sent by the Customer through CTT;
- information by email when mail is received (an image of its outside is sent for free);
- delivery of the mail you have received to the authorised persons at the reception desk (additional services: you can request to be sent to your address, scanned or discarted);
- free parking in the building when you come to collect your mail;
- attending to people in person who are looking for information about the services you provide, with the contact details being sent to you by e-mail (attending to people who complain in an exalted manner about the service you provide or to official bodies has additional cost);
- full payment is due at the beginning of the subscription (the monthly value is indicated for information purposes only);
- VAT at 23% rate will be added to all prices.

Click here to subscribe virtual office

Payment: bank transfer or debit/credit card


Service for

- legal person (company, association, branch, etc);
‌- sole proprietor;
‌- self-employed professional;
‌- trademark;
‌‌- person who wants to receive personal mail.

Uses not allowed:

‌- person who wants to use the office address as their home (further information below, in the Virtual Office Questions);
‌- to obtain a tax identification number (TIN/NIF) if you are not a legal person, sole proprietor or self-employed professional.


Easy access

Facilities located near the 2nd Circular, North-South and Av. Padre Cruz. ‌
‌A 3-minute walk from Telheiras subway station.



‌There is no need to submit documentation when subscribing.
‌When using the service, if any doubts arise, documentation may be requested as part of the "Know Your Customer" procedure that virtual office service providers are obliged to follow.



‌We receive many clients with bad experiences with companies that provide only virtual office services, often in rented premises, and disappear after a while.
We recommend that you never contract the service to someone who only provides virtual services.

Additional services

To use additional services, you must make a deposit into the account, from which the respective cost will be debited.
The balance at the end of the contract is transferred to the next contract if the service is not interrupted. The account must have a non-negative balance to use the virtual office service.


Scanning mail in pdf and send to your email

Click here to request the scanning of mail you received
Price per letter:
- 1 or 2 pages: €3.00+VAT;
- for each additional page: €0.80+VAT.


Mail disposal

The process is carried out in accordance with safety standards and using a professional shredder to cut paper, plastic and staples into very small squares.
Click here to request mail elimination


Acceptance of mail with with dimensions up to 325x240x25 mm with proof of receipt

Unit price:
- mail delivered by carrier (UPS, CTT Expresso, etc.): €3.00+VAT;
- mail delivered by CTT:
   a) with pink return receipt: €3.00+VAT;
  b) with acknowledgement of receipt of summons (green), with proof of receipt (blue), with acknowledgement of 2nd attempt (orange) or with proof of deposit (yellow): €3.00+VAT.


Acceptance of mail with dimensions greater
than 325x240x25 mm

Unit price:
- from 325x240x25 mm to 300x300x400 mm and up to 5Kg: €3.00+VAT;
- from 300x300x400 mm to 1600x600x600 mm and up to 15kg: €6.00+VAT.
Mail weighing more than 15kg or with dimensions greater than 1600x600x600 mm are not accepted.


Delivery of mail received in LXoffice to
carrier contracted by the Customer

Unit price:
- up to 300x300x400mm and up to 5kg: €3.00+VAT;
- from 300x300x400 mm to 1600x600x600 mm and up to 15kg: €6.00+VAT.

Questions regarding LXoffice virtual office service

1. Fill in the Subscrition Form. In the field "Type of entity that will use the virtual office" select "Company/association to be established".
2. After making the payment, you will receive an email with the address to be used for the incorporation of the company/association.
3. After incorporation, reply to the email indicating the name and Tax Identification Number (NIF) of the company/association.

After submitting the Subscription Request and making the payment, you will receive the address of your virtual office in the following format:

R. Hermano Neves 18, Piso N, Escritório N, VNNNN
Postal code

The assigned address is maintained whenever the service subscription is renewed on time.
Mail that does not fully comply with the assigned format will be returned to the sender.
The use of an LXoffice address without a valid contract or in an unlawful manner will be penalized and prosecuted.

No, because the service is only provided in the building at R. Hermano Neves 18.

Yes, but check whether an additional subscription to the website is required.
No additional subscription is required if the full name of the entity using the virtual office indicated in the Subscription Request appears before the address.
Example: the company Miosotis Consulting, Unipessoal, Lda. has subscribed to the virtual office; it should indicate the address on the website as follows:
Miosotis Consulting, Unipessoal, Lda.
R. Hermano Neves 18, Piso N, Escritório N, VNNNN
Postal code

An additional subscription to the website is required if the full name of the entity using the virtual office, indicated in the Subscription Request, is not indicated before the address.

The mail you receive is kept until the end of the contract. On the day after the end of the contract, all mail that may be on file is returned to the sender, as there is no valid contract authorising it to remain on the premises.

Yes, you can live anywhere in the world and you can register with the Portuguese Tax Authority as a sole proprietor using the address of the LXoffice virtual office service.

Yes, just send a message to [email protected] from the email address you provided in the Subscription Request, stating the subscription number and your intention.
If you decide to cancel your subscription:
- during the Free Resolution period (14 days after the subscription), a refund will be issued minus the cost of processing the payment/refund and any services provided, after verifying that the LXoffice address is not used with official entities;
- after the Free Resolution period, the subscription amount is non-refundable.
At the end of the contract, the service is not automatically renewed; only if you submit a new subscription request will a new contract begin.

We inform them that you are not on the premises, the contact details and the reason are registered and sent to you by email (this service has no additional cost).
When your customer adopts an aggressive attitude at the reception desk or we realise that they have been scammed, the service costs 20€ + VAT23% (this includes recording the contact details and the reason, which are sent to you by email).

Questions regarding virtual offices
‌‌(from LXoffice or other service providers)

‌Yes, a person or a company/association/business/trademark can have a business address in a virtual office.
‌Código Civil, ‌Artigo 83º (Domicílio profissional)
‌"1. A pessoa que exerce uma profissão tem, quanto às relações que a esta se referem, domicílio profissional no lugar onde a profissão é exercida.
‌2. Se exercer a profissão em lugares diversos, cada um deles constitui domicílio para as relações que lhe correspondem."

A company/association/branch MAY have an tax address, tax residence or tax domicile in a virtual office.
‌A person CANNOT have an tax address, tax residence or tax domicile in a virtual office. The only address allowed is the place of habitual residence.
‌Decreto-Lei 398/98 (Lei Geral tributária), ‌Artigo 19º Domicílio fiscal
‌"1 - O domicílio fiscal do sujeito passivo é, salvo disposição em contrário:
‌a) Para as pessoas singulares, o local da residência habitual;
‌b) Para as pessoas colectivas, o local da sede ou direcção efectiva ou, na falta destas, do seu estabelecimento estável em Portugal."

‌No. An office address cannot be used as your residence (place where you live, domicile), as it is an office and not a home.

An address associated to a virtual office service is not accepted by Google Maps/Bing Maps for georeferencing purposes on their maps or for publicising on Google My Business/Bing Places. These platforms want your operational address, i.e. the address where you carry out management acts or actually carry out your business.
LXoffice does not authorise the use of its address in georeferencing on any type of map or in Google My Business, Bing Places or similar directories, which constitutes unlawful use of the virtual office service subject to penalties under the terms of the contract.

The virtual office service is only provided in the building at
R. Hermano Neves 18, Telheiras, Lisbon

Click here to subscribe virtual office